Fire, Ice and Darkness

Fire, Ice and Darkness

Greed and hatred are evident in the world. But behind them is the most powerful force of all: ignorance Prophetic statements can be simple and understated, and none is simpler and more cooly accurate than Robert Frost’s poem Fire and Ice.  Some say the world...
Roald Dahl and the Karma Factory

Roald Dahl and the Karma Factory The celebrations of Roald Dahl Day show that his wonderful and highly moral books are as fresh as ever. What does child’s-eye morality mean for adults? Yesterday, I took my son...
Burning with Impermanence

Burning with Impermanence Setting alight a replica of London in 1666 to commemorate the Great Fire of London was a stirring evocation of impermanence I wish I’d been at the Tate Modern on Sunday night when a 120 metre...